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Longest running weather podcast in the universe. Eleven years in production, James Spann and a group of private sector and NWS meteorologists gather around the digital mahogany table to talk about their favorite subject, with some great guests.

Jun 24, 2014

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain needs no introduction in this show's circle. He is one of the original On Camera Meteorologists at The Weather Channel, a position he held from 1982 until 2009. He currently is an Expert and Video Broadcaster at Accu-Weather. Mark Mancuso, it is an honor to welcome you to...

Jun 17, 2014

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a Professor of Communications in the Department of Communications Studies at the University of California at Pennsylvania. She is one of the leaders in the field of study communicating the weather. Dr. Susan Jasko, welcome to WeatherBrains.  Dr. Jasko taught at several institutions,...

Jun 10, 2014

Our Guest Panelist tonight is Jeff Craven, President of the National Weather Association, and our Guest WeatherBrain is Ken Heideman.  There are two major professional organizations for meteorologists, and they're both represented on this show. First, our Guest Panelist is the President of the National Weather...

Jun 3, 2014

Tonight's Guest TV Met is the Chief Meteorologist at WXVT-TV in Greenville MS. We met at the Southeast Severe Storms Symposium at Mississippi State University this spring. Vernon Turner, welcome to the show.  Tonight's Guest Social Media Expert is a Strategist, Entrepreneur, Author, and Speaker. She appeared on show...