Dec 25, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the Storm Prediction Center. Since 1996, he has performed as a severe weather, fire weather, mesoscale, and lead forecaster at the SPC. Greg Carbin, welcome to the show! Also joining us as Guest Panelist is the Lead Forecaster at the Storm...
Dec 18, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a Professional of Sociology at Northwestern University. His PhD is from Harvard, and he has received numerous fellowships. In fact, he is probably the smartest person we have ever had on the show. Dr. Gary Alan Fine, welcome to WeatherBrains. Tonight's Guest Panelist is a...
Dec 13, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain No. 1 was born and raised in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. Her undergraduate degree is from Ohio State University. While working on her Master's Degree at the University of Arizona, she started employment as a Forecaster with the NWS Honolulu. Tina Stall, welcome to WeatherBrains! ...
Dec 4, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Branch Chief at NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory. He has his PhD from the University of Oklahoma. Curtis Alexander, welcome to WeatherBrains! Tonight's second Guest WeatherBrain is also a researcher at the Earth System Research Laboratory. He has his PhD from Penn State...
Nov 27, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the recipient of the 2018 National Weather Association Public Education Award. He received the award for his severe weather and climate outreach, organizing the Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium and Family Weatherfest (CPSWS) in Lincoln, NE year after year since 1999, and running...