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Longest running weather podcast in the universe. Eleven years in production, James Spann and a group of private sector and NWS meteorologists gather around the digital mahogany table to talk about their favorite subject, with some great guests.

Jan 30, 2018

Joining us tonight is Dr. Marshall Shepherd. He needs almost no introduction to our audience as a former President of the AMS and the host of The Weather Channel’s WxGeeks show. Dr. Marshall Shepherd, welcome to WeatherBrains! Dr. Shepherd was a guest panelist on

Jan 23, 2018

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a Space Weather Physicist. She works for the Aerospace Corporation. She is also the space weather person for TWIT. Dr. Tamitha Skov, welcome to WeatherBrains!


Jan 16, 2018

Joining us this evening are Mark Taylor and Dr. Brock Burghart from WeatherBell. Mark comes to us from Atlanta, GA, while Dr. Burghart is in Colorado.  We also have Kurt Korte from Surfline. He is lead forecaster at Surfline. Kurt is primarily an Atlantic forecaster.

Jan 9, 2018

No specific guests this episode, but we have several of the WeatherBrains gang at the AMS 98th conference being held in Austin, TX. We had hopes of having some of them join in the discussion, but the massive meeting seems to have put an obstacle in the plans.


Jan 2, 2018

This is one of the most anticipated shows for the WeatherBrains gang as we have Greg Carbin, now at WPC, with his annual year end review of his top 10 weather events for 2017. These are the biggest events in the US based solely on Greg's personal observations and do not represent any official government list. The titles...