Jul 30, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a weather legend, having spanned four decades as a broadcast meteorologist. He is a Fellow of the AMS. Joe Witte, welcome to WeatherBrains!
Jul 24, 2018
For this show we talk with Chris White and Bill Hark who will be discussing the Virginia ChaserCon. There is a link below to information about the ChaserCon. Aubrey has the lead in grilling the guests.
Jul 17, 2018
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a meteorologist at the Naval Research Laboratory. Dr. David Peterson, welcome to WeatherBrains! Last year was a record year for wildfires across the globe, and their impact on the atmosphere remains highly uncertain. Thanks to new research from expert scientists at the U.S. Naval...
Jul 10, 2018
Our two guest WeatherBrains tonight will help us all take a stroll down memory lane by looking back at some of the first years of The Weather Channel. Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain #1 is a legend in meteorology. He was the first Director of Meteorology at The Weather Channel, Chief Meteorologist at WSI, and was...
Jul 3, 2018
Joining us as Guest WeatherBrains this week we have Ariel Cohen and Ryan Bunker from NWS Topeka, KS. Ariel is the Science and Operations Officer (SOO) at WFO Topeka. They bring a whole host of additional people to the show. They will be discussing the topic of mentorship and career advancement. Kevin Selle invited...