Mar 26, 2019
Our Guest WeatherBrain for this week is Dina Knightly, formerly an employee of The Weather Channel who now works for IBM as a senior meteorologist. She was a former weather producer on The Weather Channel’s Wake Up With Al, Weather Center Live and Weekend Recharge. She has a bachelors degree in Atmospheric Science...
Mar 19, 2019
Our Guest WeatherBrains tonight are geographers who study the intersections of physical science and social science as it relates to tornadoes and all meteorological hazards. Dr. Stephen Strader and Dr. Walker Ashley, welcome to the show! Tonight's first Guest Panelist is from the Carolina Weather Group Podcast. He...
Mar 12, 2019
Tonight's show is the inspiration of weather enthusiast, Nashville attorney and NashSevereWx founder David Drobny. Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is Brett Kern, starting punter for the Tennessee Titans of the NFL. He just completed his 11th season and is the longest tenured Titan on the roster. Tonight's Guest...
Mar 5, 2019
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz, on-air broadcast meteorologist at WCAU-TV in Philadelphia, PA. In addition, also joining us from WCAU-TV is on-air broadcast meteorologist Steven Sosna. Gentleman, welcome to WeatherBrains! Also joining us is the Chief scientist/SOO at the National Weather...