Feb 22, 2022
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a senior at the University of Oklahoma majoring in meteorology and minoring in broadcasting and mathematics. She's the senior weather producer at OU Nightly and is also the weekend meteorologist for News12-TV in Sherman, TX. Mikayla Smith, welcome!
Feb 16, 2022
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrains are a husband and wife weather team. He is an award-winning meteorologist for The Weather Channel. He's an Ohio native and earned his Bachelor's Degree in Atmospheric Science from Ohio State University. He's been with The Weather Channel since 2003. She's been a CNN and HLN on-air...
Feb 8, 2022
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is one of the Deputy Division Directors of the National Science Foundation. She attended Iowa State University and was a recipient of the George Washington Carver Scholarship. She is the first African American woman to receive an undergraduate degree in meteorology from Iowa State. She...
Feb 1, 2022