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Longest running weather podcast in the universe. Eleven years in production, James Spann and a group of private sector and NWS meteorologists gather around the digital mahogany table to talk about their favorite subject, with some great guests.

May 31, 2023

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a Tulsa, Oklahoma native.  He's the Director of the National Severe Storms Laboratory.  Dr. DaNa Carlis, welcome to WeatherBrains!

May 23, 2023

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the WCM at the NWS Indianapolis.  He graduated with a degree in meteorology from Purdue University.  He will be the on-site meteorologist for this year's Indy 500.  Sam Lashley, welcome!  Also joining us tonight is AlabamaWX Blog's very own Scott Martin.  He earned his operational...

May 16, 2023

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain works for OU as a Research Associate at the Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations.  His primary role is connecting research to the needs of Emergency Management personnel.  He also volunteers with McClain County, Oklahoma EMA.  David Hogg, welcome!...

May 9, 2023

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Deputy Director of the National Hurricane Center and is formerly with the Environmental Protection Agency.  He oversees the NHC’s Storm Surge Unit, which produces official storm surge forecasts during tropical cyclone threats to the United States, and facilitates post-storm response...

May 2, 2023

Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a suggestion of friend of the podcast Jay Farlow.  He earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.  He earned his PhD in Atmospheric Sciences and is now a research scientist at the University of Illinois.  His research interests include weather...