May 28, 2013
We can guarantee tonight's show will be out of this world. We can guarantee that because tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a Solar System Ambassador with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Tony Rice speaks frequently at science museums, planetaria, and schools along the mid Atlantic coast about space exploration and astronomy. Based in Raleigh, NC, he also supports educational and public outreach efforts of other NASA centers including the Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX, and Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA. He earned a degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech in 1992. His 20+ year career in aerospace and telecommunications spans research and development in software engineering, data center operations, test automation, and cloud computing with patents pending. He is responsible for the @MarsWxTwitter account which tweets weather data from the Mars rover Curiosity. Our guest WeatherBrain for this show knows Nate Johnson, but we're still allowing him on the show.
Timothy Ballisty is our guest WeatherBrains panelist.