Dec 8, 2015
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a suggestion of loyal listener, George Chisenhall. He has been a meteorologist for over 40 years, including the past 31 years on television in Columbia. He is on vacation this week and is joining us from his family's place in the mountains. Jim Gandy, welcome to WeatherBrains. Gandy assumed the position of News 19 Chief Meteorologist on December 31, 1999. In 1974, Jim graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Meteorology. He continued his education from 1992 to 1997 by doing postgraduate work in Atmospheric Science at the University of South Carolina. His first job was with the Center for Storm Research in Houston, TX. In 1975, he went to work at WREG-TV in Memphis, TN, as the first meteorologist ever to appear regularly on television in that city. Jim moved to Oklahoma City in 1977 to join the meteorology staff of KTVY-TV (now KFOR-TV). Five years later, he joined the consulting firm WeatherData, Inc. in Wichita, KS, where he served as Director of Technical Operations, providing weather forecasts for the Kansas State Network.