Mar 8, 2016
Tonight’s Guest WeatherBrain is an atmospheric scientist with deep roots in severe convective storms, synoptic meteorology, applied climatology, GIS techniques, operational meteorology, and hazards. He is an Associate Professor of Meteorology at the College of DuPage. Victor Gensini, welcome to WeatherBrains! Dr. Gensini has a relatively diverse background, but he considers himself first and foremost an atmospheric scientist. His research interests are primarily rooted in: severe convective storms, synoptic meteorology, applied climatology, GIS techniques, operational meteorology, and hazards. He is currently researching the relationship between historical observed convective variables and those produced by reanalyses datasets. Of interest is the relative utility of using reanalysis to approximate atmospheric environments conducive to severe convective storms. Additionally, he is researching aspects surrounding high-resolution dynamical downscaling of global climate model data using the WRF model for purposes of resolving convection under future SRES emissions scenarios. And if that doesn't fill your plate, he is investigating linkages between various climate teleconnections and severe weather activity across the US.