Sep 4, 2013
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Director of the Oklahoma Climatological Survey, Dr. Kevin Kloesel. He is also the Associate Dean for Public Service & Outreach in the College of Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. He is also an Associate Professor at OU. Dr. Kloesel is Associate Dean for Public Service and Outreach in the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. He is directly responsible for outreach programs and tours for the over 30,000 people that visit the National Weather Center facility in Norman annually. In addition, he is an Associate Professor in the OU School of Meteorology with teaching and research interests ranging from synoptic meteorology to societal impacts and decision making in weather-impacted situations. He led the team that won the Innovations in American Government Award from Harvard University and the Ford Foundation for their work with the emergency management community in Oklahoma.