Feb 18, 2014
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain has been involved in NWS Forecast Offices for over 20 years. Most recently, he was the Meteorologist-In-Charge (MIC) at the Fort Worth Forecast Office. He worked in New York City, NY, Lansing, MI, and Kansas City, MO, as well. He is now the Operations Chief at the Storm Prediction Center, a position he has held since 2012. He is a 1984 graduate of Oklahoma University (OU). Bill Bunting, welcome to WeatherBrains! Raquel Nicora is a rising star, as well as a repeat Guest Panelist, having appeared in the fall. She is a graduating senior at Florida State University (FSU) where she is majoring in meteorology. She is interning at WTXL ABC 27 in Tallahassee and is a team leader for 4FSU weather. Raquel Nicora, welcome back!