Jul 21, 2015
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a long time, renowned storm chaser, father of three brilliant children, husband to an amazing wife, erstwhile stand-up comedian, and contemporaneous Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine. He worked at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, until December, 2011, until returning to the Plains with an appointment at the University of Colorado in January, 2012 where he is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado. Dr. Jason Persoff, welcome to WeatherBrains. Tonight's Guest Panelist, Troy Kimmel , started doing tv weather back in 1978 in Bryan/College Station before moving to Austin when he graduated from Texas A&M. He was the Chief at KTBC and KEYE. He was the Chief at a group of radio stations in Austin. He has been teaching at the University of Texas since 1988 where he was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2007.