Feb 24, 2015
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain has his Ph.D. from Rutgers in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Evolutionary Biology. He works in the climate research and commodity risk space with a focus on agriculture. He has been involved in several weather startups and is currently with aWhere. Michael Ferrari, welcome to...
Feb 17, 2015
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the State Climatologist for Oklahoma, Gary McManus. Gary has been with Oklahoma Climatological Survey since 1999, joining the Climate Information Group in 2000. Mr. McManus has B.S. and M.S. degrees in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma. As a climatologist, McManus studies...
Feb 10, 2015
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is Jeff Tongue, the Science and Operations Officer at the NWS Upton NY, which serves New York City. He is also an Assistant Professor at Suffolk Community College and a Lecturer at Stonybrook...
Feb 3, 2015
This week's guest weather brain is Paul Kocin... meteorologist and winter weather expert. He grew up on Long Island, New York and received his B.S. from Cornell University, followed by his M.Sc. from Pennsylvania State University. Along with Louis Uccellini, Paul developed the Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale, which...