Apr 27, 2021
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is Chief Meteorologist for WHNT-19 TV in Huntsville and a former meteorologist for ABC 33/40. Jason Simpson, welcome back! Our second Guest WeatherBrain is the former MIC at the NWS in Birmingham who was working on 4/27/11. Jim Stefkovich, welcome! Our third Guest WeatherBrain is the SOO...
Apr 20, 2021
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Chief Meteorologist at WJHL-TV in Johnson City, Tennessee. Mark Reynolds, welcome! Our second Guest WeatherBrain is the Chief Meteorologist at WRCB-TV in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Paul Bayrs, welcome! Our third Guest WeatherBrain is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service...
Apr 13, 2021
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is the Chief Meteorologist at ABC 11 in Raleigh, North Carolina. He's been in broadcast meteorology since 1991. He was named Chief Meteorologist in in 2007. Chris Hohmann, welcome to WeatherBrains! Our second Guest WeatherBrain is the Emergency Coordinator for central Carolina amateur...
Apr 6, 2021
Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a leading authority on weather, climate and human affairs. He served as a contributing author and expert reviewer for the IPCC. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Meteorological Society. Awards include the Eduard Bruckner Prize for...