Mar 11, 2014
Tonight's Guest Panelist is a forecaster for and is the Marketing Meteorologist for the MyWARN service. He is frequently working behind the scenes to get guests hooked up with Google+ and that is the case tonight. He is a graduate of the University of South Alabama and has his Masters from Mississippi State University. He is a National Champion Weather Forecaster. Ryan Stinnett, welcome to the front of the house. And tonight's Guest WeatherBrain needs no introduction to the WeatherBrains audience and nearly anyone who is remotely interested in weather. He has been the Holy Grail of WeatherBrains guests for me and all it took was AlabamaWX forecaster Ryan Stinnett asking him while they were at SECAPS at the University of South Alabama a couple of weeks ago. Special thanks to Ryan! Dr. Josh Wurman is the president and founder of the Center for Severe Weather Research in Boulder, CO.