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Longest running weather podcast in the universe. Eleven years in production, James Spann and a group of private sector and NWS meteorologists gather around the digital mahogany table to talk about their favorite subject, with some great guests.

Sep 29, 2015

In this episode of WeatherBrains, we start with a warmup act with the latest news from the upcoming National Weather Association (NWA) annual meeting to be held in Oklahoma City, OK, from October 17 through 22nd. Bringing us the latest news and last minute details are the Program Co-chairs, show alum John Ferree and Dr. Patrick Marsh. Besides co-chairing the meeting, John serves as the Severe Storms Services Leader for the NWS guiding severe storm services at the 122 NWS Forecast Offices and Storm Prediction Center. Dr. Marsh works at SPC where he serves as NSSL liaison for the Hazardous Weather Testbed.  Tonight's Guest WeatherBrain is a two time graduate of Texas Tech University.  He was in the SCEP program in Lubbock, TX, and and intern in Nashville, TN. He is now a Journeyman Forecaster in Austin/San Antonio, TX. He has been with the National Weather Service for four and a half years. He was a Guest Panelist EXACTLY 100 shows ago! Trevor Boucher, welcome back to WeatherBrains.