Jan 8, 2019
Tonight's show focuses on amateur radio and how it relates to meteorology. Joining us are 3 top-notch amateur radio operators tonight. First up is Jay Farlow (W9LW), who has been a ham since the early 1970s. He's also been a volunteer EMT and firefighter and member of a disaster medical assistance team. Also joining us is Rob Macedo (KD1CY). Rob has served as the ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Boston/Norton (formerly Taunton) since 1996 and has been an avid SKYWARN Spotter since he got his Ham license in 1988. Last but not least, Jeff Stapel of SKYWARN (W8SWX) joins this week's show from Michigan and shares his valuable insight. Tonight's Guest Panelist is Scott Martin from The Weather Factory.